Sunday, January 23, 2011

She really is getting big...

Maggie is getting so big. In addition to growing and looking older all the time, she is saying more and more!
She has been saying some really cute stuff...

The other night when she was laying in bed, ready to go to sleep, she was playing with her new Twilight Lady Bug. It lights up stars all over the room. Here's what Maggie said "Mmmmmm... eating stars... Want some more!"

A few days ago, Maggie was taking a bath. We were naming all of the foam letters and numbers. She picked up the 6 and said "nine!" I said, "no, that's a six." Maggie responded with "Where'd the nine go?!"

We're also learning colors in Spanish. One morning she pointed to her white paci and said "Blanco!" The next morning she pointed to my IPod case (which is green) and said "Verde!" And yesterday we were naming letters on the fridge, she pointed to a red O and said O, I asked her what color in Spanish and she said "Rojo!" She wants to call everything else morado, so I guess here favorite color is purple :)

She also likes to say the following phrases all the time:
"I wanna play a game"
"I want some juice"
"Mama help you" (she means "help me" though)
"Up with Mommy/Daddy"
"Go Bears!"
"Where'd daddy go?"

She still repeats anything and everything we say!

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