Friday, January 29, 2010

Maggie's new tricks

Maggie has a lot of new tricks in the last month or so (I know I'm making her sounds like a dog....) ;-)

She can say yes:

She can give five:

She can play Patty Cake:

She can say Mom:

She can say Dad:

She also waves hi and bye, signs for milk, crawls, pulls herself up on things, crawls up the stairs, points at your nose and is working on saying teeth!! I'll try to get as much on video as I can and share it.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

What a Winter!

We've had a pretty busy winter! We went to Iowa for Thanksgiving, central Illinois for Christmas, and we had TONS of visitors for New Year's! Maggie got a lot of good presents, but didn't really care about too many of them until a few weeks ago. Now, I'm getting ready for knee surgery in a couple of days and I won't be bale to walk around with Maggie. We'll see how well she deals with that!!