Sunday, September 26, 2010

Maggie is the cutest!

Maggie is saying more and more words, but they aren't always that clear. For example, when she says sandwich, it sounds like sa-wah. Shower sounds like sha-wah. Sailboat sounds like see-bah. She finally started saying Dani for her Aunt Danielle! She said 2 phrases so far, "aunt home" and "hi daddy".

Maggie is learning her colors. She can point out red, green, pink, orange, blue, and yellow. Sometimes she will say the wrong color, but she gets most of the right! She starts to sing the ABCs by saying "A B C D" then a bunch of other letters and sounds. Maggie is starting to sing other songs too. She say "name-o" for BINGO, "up-a-bup" for Twinkle, Twinkle Little Stars, and "see-bah" for a song we sang at gymnastics.

I can't believe she's getting so big and SO smart!!

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