Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Blake's 2nd b-day party

We went to Maggie's cousin Blake's 2nd birthday party on Sunday. Maggie refused to sleep on the drive down to Normal, so by the time the party started, she was exhausted! Her daddy took a nap with her, so unfortunately, she missed everything!! After Maggie woke up, we took some cute pics though.
Maggie loves eating "kit-cakes". She's only had 4 her whole life, but she knew what they were where called after the first time she saw them. Aunt Tonee was eating one about a month ago, Maggie looked at it and said "cake"!

Maggie loves her "papa" Miller from a distance. She likes to look at pictures of him and she knows who he is as soon as she sees him, but she still won't go to him. When he got to the party, he tried talking to her, but everything he said or did, her response was "NO!"

It was pretty cold out once the sun went down, so here are the 3 older cousins in cute stocking hats! We couldn't get them to look at the camera though!

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