Tuesday, June 15, 2010

I want to go outside!

On Sunday night, Maggie was really fighting sleep. She kept crying and pointing at the door or the ceiling. I opened the blinds for her to look outside and she kept asking to go "outside please" (she was using the sign for outside and please, while saying please ~ too cute!) Finally, we called Chris at work, she kept saying "Hi!", "Da-Da", & "Nigh-Nigh" and fell asleep while talking to him. I guess she just needed to here his voice!

I attached a video of her saying & signing please just so you can see how cute it is!

We also went to see Chris at work on the Thursday before. Maybe she missed him and needed to call him to make sure he was ok! She loved sitting in the firetruck with Chris and "driving"!

Saturday, June 12, 2010

More of Maggie's vocabulary

Maggie is learning new words and signs every day! To make it easier to share with everyone, I'll put it in list form:

Words & Signs: Cracker, Plane, Shoes

Signs only: Outside, Bird, Book, Elephant (with noise), aunt, hot

Words only: Car, Bow, Up, Tonia (sounds like da-da)

She also recognizes the sign for "Where's Daddy?" when Chris gets home from work.

I'm working on several animal signs, some food signs, and other signs she will use for around the house. I'll keep updating as she learns more words.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Maggie eating a pickle

We went out for lunch a few weeks ago and Maggie wanted to try my pickle. I'm not sure if she liked it or not, decide for yourself!!

Here she is walking!!

We finally took a video of Maggie walking across the kitchen. She was all over the place yesterday!!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Maggie's Vocabulary

Maggie is saying a lot of new words, both verbally and in sign language. She really picks up anything people are saying to her.

Some of the new words she is saying are:

Pupup for dog, while she pats either her belly or leg for the sign
Wawa for water, while she taps her mouth with her hand for the sign
Ba for ball
Buhbuh for bubbles, which she loves to carry around with her. She actually fell asleep with a bottle of bubbles in her hand today!
Baybay for baby, while she signs rocking a baby
Teees for cheese, while she smashes her palms together
Mama for more and milk, while she points her fingers together for more and mimics milking a cow for milk
Beh for bread
Pea-pea-pea for please, while she rubs her chest. She mainly says this when she wants to be picked up.
Uh-Oh!! all the time!!!

She also does the signs for pacifier, sleep (and says nigh nigh), eat, and thank you.

She's trying to say Ethan, but sound more like teeth!!!